We provide a variety of cleaning solutions tailored to accommodate the needs of every homeowner, including weekend cabin goers, so you can relax on the weekends and leave the cleaning up to us.

While we can customize any package, here’s an overview of our services:

Enhanced Upkeep Cleaning Service – Monthly

This service is designed for those who seek an extensive and detailed cleaning routine for their home or cabin. This package ensures that your living space receives the highest level of care on a regular basis.

Expect nothing less than excellence from our team of professional cleaners who will meticulously sanitize and clean all kitchen surfaces, including the exteriors of appliances, ensure all bathrooms are hygienically sanitized, vacuum and mop floors, thoroughly clean carpeted areas and rugs, make beds, and empty trash cans.

This service includes additional tasks that make a significant difference. Your home will benefit from extras such as loading the dishwasher, spot cleaning on vertical surfaces like baseboards and trim work, adding a touch of detail that sets this package apart.

*Be advised that certain homes might need an initial deep cleaning before we start with our premium upkeep cleaning services. Should this be necessary, we will adjust the initial quote accordingly to reflect this.

Rotation Cleaning Service – Weekly / Biweekly

This service offers a balanced blend of our Comprehensive and Light Refresh cleaning services, tailored for homeowners who seek a mix of thorough and lighter cleaning solutions. This plan is ideal if you’re looking for top-notch home cleaning but don’t need detailed services every time.

With this plan, our skilled team alternates between comprehensive and light refresher services with each visit. This ensures your home receives the deep cleaning it needs while maintaining its appearance with lighter touch-ups.

*Be advised that certain homes might need an initial deep cleaning before we start with our premium upkeep cleaning services. Should this be necessary, we will adjust the initial quote accordingly to reflect this.

Let us know your cleaning needs below, and we’ll send you a quote as soon as possible: